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our course rating program
Course_RatersAs an Allied Golf Association of the United States Golf Association (USGA), Miami Valley Golf has the duty and responsibility to develop and maintain course ratings for the courses within our region.  This process if vital to the health of the Amateur game as it develops the bases for people of different abilities to compete fairly and equitably.  

Imagine golf without a Handicap System.  It certainly would not be as welcoming to people of all different abilities.  Your association using resources developed from membership dues to ensure this vital service is completed with a very high level sophistication and accuracy.  Our dedicated volunteers and staff work diligently to maintain the highest level of competence and accreditation as demonstrated by the continual high markers awarded at USGA Calibration Seminars. 

You can learn more on the course rating system by visiting these pages or the USGA
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Dayton, OH 45459
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