Practice Rd Opportunities 
Please contact Heatherwoode if you need to arrange a different practice round time. Based on Course Availablity.

Location: Heatherwoode Golf Club   937-748-3222

Dates: D2 & D3 Boys and Girls: Sept 28 & 29

Registrations: Will be managed using Google Sheets.  To access Google Sheets on your phone, download the free Google Sheets app. 

Link to Register for D2 & D3 Practice Round


  • Each sheet has tabs at the bottom for different days (Sept 28, Sept 29)

  • Each registration page has sections for both Team and Individuals.  

  • Ensure Correct Section: Please register for the correct section (Team or Individual). 

Flexibility: You can change your time or day within the allotted practice days directly on the Google Sheet.

Practice Round Pricing: 

Cost: $30 per player. -  Payment: Payment must be made on the day of the practice round.

Alternate Arrangements: If the allotted practice times are not suitable, Coaches will need to book directly through Heatherwoode Golf Course with payment beung applicable fees during the alternate booking time.Please Note: Practice round pricing won't be honored outside of the allotted day/time.

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