Monday, April 8 | Hi Everyone,
I want to bring to your attention that in Paragraph/Item 3 from the Current Order – Prohibited Activities Include - Recreational sports tournaments, organized recreational sports leagues.
I'm bringing this to everyone's attention, because we have worked hard to keep our courses open and results/standings being shared for Course Leagues/Events are clearly in direct conflict of the Amended Stay at Home Order.
As this order creeps along, all of use are prone to slip back into our old patterns so please remain diligent and follow the requirements of Social Distancing, Hygiene and the Stay at Home Amended Order.
I've said it before and it begs repeating, we are only as strong as out weakest link!
Be Well and Diligent! Steve Jurick, PGA Executive Director Voice 937-609-3387 (I'm here if you need me) Amended Stay at Home Order - 4/2/2020 | | |