
Moraine CC Looking For Caddies 
caddies2- Moraine Country Club has a rich history surrounding its golf course and traditions. One of those traditions is the caddie program. Moraine has a strong relationship with the Western Golf Association (WGA) and an excellent track record of producing Evans’ Scholars who attend either Miami University or Ohio State University.  Complimentary to the Evans Scholarship is the Moraine Caddie Scholarship program. This scholarship opportunity was created locally at Moraine by a group of members of the club.  Recipients may attend any university or trade school of their choice.  Annually Moraine recognizes caddies that excel as leaders on the golf course, in the classroom, and those who are loyal to the caddie program through these two outstanding scholarship opportunities.

If you are looking to become a caddie for the upcoming season there is still time. The club will host new caddie orientations on April 2, 9, 16, and 23 at 9:00 AM. Each session will last approximately 90-minutes. Those interested will only need to attend one session. At the conclusion of the orientation perspective caddies will have the opportunity to sign-up for an on-course training. The caddie season at Moraine runs April-October with some limited out of season caddying opportunities during the late fall months. Prospective caddies must be 14 years old and the program is designed for High School and College aged young men or ladies.

For more information, contact the golf staff at Moraine CC at 937-293-6391 or Mr. Jonathan McEldowney, Caddy Master at

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