
FTSG Local Golf News for January 15

Hole_14_Looking_Back_from_Behind_GreenThe 2022 season gets underway earlier then our traditional first Monday in May, when NCR host our Spring Better Ball on Monday, May 2nd. There is a little twist this year as we will be using both golf courses.  The net divisions will be playing the North Course and the gross divisions will be playing the South Course. 

Back for the 7th year is our event partner Midwest Security Services.  The event will get underway with a Buffet Lunch at 11:30 AM followed by the Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM.  After play we will provide appetizers during scoring and awards and a cash bar will also be available.

Registration is now open and the field is limited to 192 players (96 players per course)

Register Today! 

WHS Question:  If you have a multiple day net event should the Committee use the Handicap Indexes that would be updated between each round to determine the Playing Handicap ? Answer deeper in email.
native son to lead the WGA


Joe grew up in our area and fell in love with the sport and its life changing opportunities as a caddie at Dayton Country Club.  He earned the Evans Scholarship to Miami University in 1980 and has been a life long friend to our game for many years.

Currently our area has five young people who are Evans Scholars and attending either Miami or Ohio State. Overall there over 300 new Evan Scholarships awarded this past year.

Congratulations Joe!

Trivia:  Did you know? The average distance by the “top-100” longest ball hitters on the PGA Tour all average more than 300 yards off the tee (combining carry and roll).
As a comparison, during Tiger’s peak earning years, he averaged 293 – 306 yards off the tee.
Clean up your data!

GG_imageOften, we are asked what is the best way for our club to utilize the Golf Genius Tournament Software?

Simply put it all starts with the creation of a Master Roster for those at private clubs and League or Event Roster’s for public facilities.

The creation of these will allow you to gather the needed player information in a timely manner saving you valuable time throughout the year. Along with the players basic information it’s important to have GHIN numbers, allowing for handicaps to be updated weekly, email and a cell number for easy communication, and the players gender and preferred tees of play.

For those at a private facility you should also include their membership type along with member and bag room numbers. Other useful items are shirt, shoe, and glove size along with their preferred choice golf ball as this can be utilized when gifts are being purchased or when placing special orders.  

There are two options when creating these rosters, uploading via a spreadsheet, or entering each players information individually. Private facilities will mostly use the manual entry as new members join the club. For public facilities creating a league spreadsheet is often the preferred choice.

If you are interested in more information on this process, please contact Dave Miller at the Golf Association.

Golf-Genius-Software-1024x444Miami Valley Golf provides Golf Genius to our golf community to further support our game in the Miami Valley.  For more information on Golf Genius or using Golf Genius for your league or charitable event please email
Upcoming Seminars BY DR Nick Curry


Junior Golf - Preparing for College Golf

Saturday January 22nd, 2022 @ 11:00AM Beavercreek Golf Club

Are you a junior golfer that has a desire to play golf at the next level? Whether it is preparing for tournaments or playing college golf this seminar will help your body get to the next level. We will dive into how physical abilities correlate with your golf swing, how to be more consistent, and how to gain yardage off the tee.

Swing Speed Workshop - Gain 20 Yards Off The Tee

Saturday February 5th, 2022 @ 11:00AM Beavercreek Golf Club

Let's be honest, every golfer wants to hit the ball farther. If you are a junior golfer you may be looking to gain and extra 20, 30, 50 yards off the tee! If you are a seasoned golfer you might be hoping to just not lose distance year after year. Join us for this FREE workshop to learn how to improve your golf game and increase your clubhead speed and distance! 

For More

nearest point of relief explained

To Watch a Video Explanation
Internships Available for 2022 

Lady_Interns_4x3Your Miami Valley Golf Association each golf season offers golf administration internships.  These paid internships can run from three to twelve months depending upon a candidate's availability, with flexible schedules based on the interns needs.  

In order to be considered for an internship position, prospective applicants must be enrolled at a college or university, be a graduate student, a recent college graduate or someone just interested in Golf Association Management.  A background or major in golf management, journalism, communications, or photo journalism would be an asset but is not necessary for these positions.  A strong interest and knowledge of the game of golf is also a plus.

Intern_Photo_2The responsibilities of the intern positions entail championship administration, database management, website maintenance, junior golf and membership activities.  In addition, the selected interns will also assist the staff with general administration. 

Applications will be accepted until February 1.

Proceed to Application  

WHS QUESTION:  If you have a multiple day net event should the Committee use the Handicap Indexes that would be updated between each round to determine the Playing Handicap ? 

When a competition spans consecutive days, it is recommended that the Committee uses the same Handicap Index for all rounds.

Rules of Golf Winter Education Seminars from the USGA

Registration for the 2022 Rules of Golf Workshops are now open.

Registrants have numerous virtual and in-person options to choose from, please note in-person workshops seats are limited due to fewer in-person offerings and COVID-19 restrictions.

If you wish to attend an in-person workshop, please plan to register as early as possible.

For more information on Rules workshop offerings and exams

Tuition assistance is available for any level of education for those volunteering within our Miami Valley Golf Community.  To apply for full or partial reimbursement please email

Random Golf Footnotes

from John Fischer, noted Golf Historian


Gloria Minoprio was a lady of mystery who dramatically changed ladies golf. Her full story is probably still unknown, but below is a link to her breakthrough at the Women’s English Championship and the stir she created and continued until World War II put golf aside. I wrote this piece for Sports Illustrated: Morning Read where it appeared last fall. I would especially like to thank Royal North Devon Golf Club in Westward Ho!, Devon, England, and the R&A World Golf Museum in St. Andrews, Scotland, for generously providing photographs of the mysterious Miss Minoprio.

To read the entire article

Thanks to John Fischer for letting us share



And Don't Forget to  Keep in the Loop by following MaddenNext online and through Facebook, Twitterand Instagram.

Want an Update from our Planning Committee?

Name the golfer ?
If you think you know, send us an email at
About the Banner - Angie Degenhart Adding Horns to Emily Bruns 

Ohio Golf Journal
The Fried Egg 
The Morning Read
Global Golf Post
From the Short Grass Archive 

Jan 2022 Cover 
Podcast_IconBucky's BunkerClear_Logo
For the Good of the Game
Golfers Journal   
The Shotgun Start
The Fried Egg
No Laying Up
18 Strong- Golf Fitness
The Back of the Range Golf Podcast 
Twitter Account - @MiamiValleyGolf  
Facebook Account -  
Instagram - 
Hardest Hole Rankings for the Miami Valley as voted on by you! 
Top 5 Things to Know About the World Handicap System? 
World Golf Handicap Informational Videos 
Rules of Golf Changes in Video
Take Sample Rules Quizzes (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
Key Changes Poster in a PDF Form to Download and Print 
Download Rules of Golf App - Android Operating System 
Download the GHIN Mobile Posting App 
Download the USGA Tournament App - Apple - Android  
Watch and Share a video on how to Improve Pace of Play


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263 Regency Ridge Dr. 
Dayton, OH 45459 
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