
FTSG for the 3rd Weekend in January
Weekly Auctions Begin to support Youth Golf
Banner_for_AuctionThis week we begin our weekly auctions to raise dollars to support our Foundation's Youth on Course Program

The item for this week is a Round of Four (4) with Carts at NCR CC.  Certain times may be unavailable based on the courses schedule, however, if you ever wanted to play NCR's Historic South Course this is an excellent opportunity while NCRsupporting our next generation of golfers.

The Auction is now open and closes next Saturday Night at Midnight.

To Visit the Bidding Page
getting ready for the season

Pelvic_ControlPoor pelvic control is a common limitation for most golfers.  An anterior (or forward) tilted pelvis is very common amongst people that sit for extended periods of time throughout the day.  One of the most significant consequences to sitting for long periods is that it shortens the hip flexors (muscles in front of the hip).  This tightness, along with other muscular imbalances, will make it extremely difficult to control pelvic motion.  The inability to pelvic tilt is often associated with swing characteristics such as loss of posture, early extension, reverse spine angle, and “S” posture.  In addition to altering golf performance, any of these characteristics will drastically increase the risk for lower back injuries (the most common injury in golfers). 

To work on stretching your hip flexors first get in a staggered kneeling position.  To stretch your right side, have the right knee down and left foot in front.  Have your right knee at an angle out from your body (imagine a kickstand) and, if you can, slightly swing your right foot away from your body as well.  While resting your left forearm on your left thigh, perform a posterior tilt (round the back and try to tuck your hips underneath your body).  Holding this posterior tilt throughout the stretch, gradually start to raise your chest up and slightly push your right hip forward until the stretch increases to the front of the right hip.  Hold for 60 seconds.  Repeat on the other side.  This can be done multiple times throughout the day.

Dr. Nick Curry is a chiropractor that is also certified through the highly esteemed Titleist Performance Institute as a medical, fitness, and junior golf wellness professional.  He is the owner of Integrative Health and Sports Performance in Bellbrook and serves at the Team Chiropractor to Wright State and Miami Universities.  To Visit his Website - More About Dr. Nick Curry
First tee looking for coaches for 2020
06_First_Tee0373_SB_600pxThe First Tee of Greater Miami Valley is looking coaches for their locations in Butler, Montgomery and Warren Counties.  The positions are part time June to Early August and an excellent way to play it forward for our next generation.

Act Today !

Download the Details
DDWGA College Scholarship Applications 
Web-Pic-of-HannahIt's that time of year again when area Junior Girls can apply for Collegiate Assistance from the DDWGA Girls Scholarship Fund.

To Download and Application
Nominations Open for Dayton Area Hall of Fame
Last_Class_of_the_Hall_of_FameThe Dayton Amateur Golf Hall of Fame began in 1978 when Vin Hilton, Bob Kepler, Bob Servis and Janet Shock Beardsley where the inaugural inductees.  In the almost 42 years since that first induction, there have been an additional 65 people added to it's roster.

Nominations for the class of 2020 can be made either online or by downloading this PDF and sending it to the Dayton Golf Office.  Nominations are due by July 1. 

Pictured the Class of 2001: Phil Hughes, Jim Shively, Skip Snow and Bob Kuntz

To view Past Inductees

Want are the Handicap Committee Responsibilities?  Watch the Video Presentation below to find out!


Top 5 Things to Know About the World Handicap System?
Reference Guide for the World Handicap System
World Golf Handicap Informational Videos
Simplified Change Summaries
View Recorded World Handicap Seminar 

Partner in the Spotlight 
200-75_MidwestIf it was not for community organizations such as the Sherman Standard Register Foundation your local Golf Community could not provide the services to support our game in the Miami Valley to the level that is does.

Thanks to John and all the Members of the SSR Foundation for their annual support!

WHS Change Summaries 
Subject #7: Frequency of Handicap Index Updates
OLD WAY:  A Handicap Index is updated on the 1st and 15th of each month.
NEW WAY: A player’s Handicap Index will update daily, provided that the player submitted a score the day before.
WHY: Provides players with a more responsive and up-to-date Handicap Index. This will also allow new golfers to establish their first Handicap Index more quickly.

Too See all the Changes Summaries 
DDWGA Classic
DDWGA Classic at Piqua CCThe DDWGA Classic Event is a One Net and One Gross Best Ball Event where a different ball must be used for each score.  There are awards for the Low Net and Low Gross Pin Winners in the field as well as the low club.

Opened in 1896, with nine of the holes being designed by the legendary Donald Ross this track is an easy trip up Interstate 75 and an opportunity that can't be missed!

Registration is Now Open
2020 Non Playing Events
Thu, Feb 13 - Private Club Staff Meeting - Sugar Valley - Sugar Valley
Sat, Mar 7 - World Handicap Seminar - Sugar Valley - 10am 
Wed, Apr 1 - DDWGA Club Rep Meeting  
Wed, Apr 8 - MVGA Trustee Meeting
Wed, Apr 15 - Master Club Rep Meeting 
Wed, July 1st - Nominations Due for Dayton Hall of Fame  
2020 Tournament Season 
Mon, May 4 - Spring Better Ball - Troy CC 
Mon, May 11 - Masters Event - Walnut Grove CC 
Mon, May 18 - DDWGA Shamble - Urbana CC 
Tue, May 26 - Ohio Amateur Q - NCR CC - North Course 
Mon, June 8 - US Open Final - Springfield CC 
Mon, June 15 - DDWGA Twin BB - CCN 
Mon, June 22 - Masters Event - Piqua CC 
Thu, July 8 - USGA Women's Am Q - Walnut Grove CC 
Mon, July 13 - USGA Men's Am Q - Moraine CC  
Thurs, July 23 - Sun, July 26 - Metropolitan - Piqua CC
Mon, Aug 10th - The Mercedes Benz Dealer Championship - Moraine CC 
Mon, Aug 17th - Masters Event - CC of the North 
Mon, Aug 31st - DDWGA Classic - Piqua CC 
See all the 2020 Calendars 
Order a MVGA Wall Calendar for 2020 
Cedarville Men's Program - Mar 9 & 10
U of Cincinnati Women's Program - Feb 17-18
Dayton Ladies Program - Mar 1-3
Dayton Men's Program - Feb 10-11
Urbana Women's Program  
Urbana Men's Program  
Wittenberg Women's Program - Mar 9 & 10   
Wittenberg Men's Program - Mar 9 & 10 
Wright State Men's Program - Feb 13-15
Ohio Golf Journal Dec_19_OGJ_Cover_small_225
The Fried Egg 
The Morning Read
Global Golf Post
From the Short Grass Archive 

Golfers Journal (New)
The Shotgun Start
The Fried Egg
No Laying Up
18 Strong- Golf Fitness
Chasing Scratch
Coach Glass - Golf Fitness 

Twitter Account - @MiamiValleyGolf  
Facebook Account -  
Hardest Hole Rankings for the Miami Valley as voted on by you! 
Top 5 Things to Know About the World Handicap System? 
World Golf Handicap Informational Videos 
2019 Rules of Golf Changes in Video
Take Sample Rules Quizzes (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
Key Changes Poster in a PDF Form to Download and Print 
Download 2019 Rules of Golf App - Android Operating System 
Download 2019 Rules of Golf App - Apple Operating System
Download the GHIN Mobile Posting App 
Download the USGA Tournament App - Apple - Android  
Watch and Share a video on how to Improve Pace of Play
Thanks to our PARTNERS
To become a Partner for 2020 please email   
Internships / About Us
(937) 294-6842
263 Regency Ridge Dr.
Dayton, OH 45459
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